Monday: Short walk.

Tuesday: Short hike at Saratoga Spa State Park. I ended up playing tour guide to a family from Virginia, helping them find their way to the springs.

Wednesday: Short walk.

Thing 1 and I saw at least two Eastern Bluebirds this afternoon, while waiting for Thing 2 to get out of school.

Thursday: Short hike at Daniels Road State Forest. I saw what appeared to be a juvenile snapping turtle, and it totally made my week. On my way back to the car, I thought I heard a Barred Owl in the distance. I stopped to listen, but it didn’t call again while I was actively listening.

Friday: Short walk.

Saturday: Longer hike at Daniels Road State Forest. My goal was to be out for 2 hours, and hit between 5-6 miles, and I succeeded. I pushed hard in a few spots, because it felt good. The trail was mostly firm; even the wet spots were more like play-doh than bog.

When I was done, my watch told me that I needed 4 days of recovery. It usually overestimates recovery time, but this was exceptional. I think part of the problem is mainly wear the watch while I’m out of the house, and the rest of the time the watch is off, so it can’t accurately gather the biometrics that are captured during rest.

It wasn’t wrong, ironically. My left heel has been messed up on and off, and I managed to re-injure it while out walking in our neighborhood with Thing 2 after my hike. The shoes that I wore on that walk are now retired, because this wasn’t the first time they did that. I’m tempted to go off on a rant about it, but I’ll save it for another time.

Sunday: Rest day.